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Hyperactive Resource - It Makes ActiveResource Work Properly!

In Tools

Hyperactive Resource (Github repository) is a extension to ActiveResource that adds a lot of ActiveRecord-esque functionality and finally makes it a reasonably simple task to do a "drop in" replacement for existing ActiveRecord models. It includes dynamic finders, client-side validations, validation and save hooks, association awareness, and lots more.

The Background

Two years ago, ActiveResource was revealed to the world at RailsConf. At the time, it was billed as offering ActiveResource-esque access to remote objects (via REST) and a lot of Rails developers speculated on the possibilities of passing objects back and forth between multiple applications and servers as simply as ActiveRecord made it between a single application and a database.

Despite the passing of two years, however, ActiveResource is still lacks a number of significant features that ActiveRecord supports, and is far from being a "drop in" solution. Luke Galea, a Toronto-based Rails developer, recently lamented on this somewhat and even claimed that "the [ActiveResource] documentation refers to features that aren’t implemented." And so Hyperactive Resource was born!

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One Comment Response to “Hyperactive Resource - It Makes ActiveResource Work Properly!”

  1. #1
    Manuel Says:

    Shouldn't it be '...offering ActiveRecord-esque access...' instead of '...offering ActiveResource-esque access...'?

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