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Free PDF Guide to Adobe Flex 3 on Rails 2

In Books, Miscellaneous, Tutorials


DZone has released a new entry in their "Refcardz" series (short PDFs that rapidly walk through a single topic) called Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2. It was written by Peter Armstrong of Ruboss and covers how to use Adobe's Flex technology along with a Rails 2.x application. It's well designed and packs in a surprising amount of information, example code, and diagrams in its six pages.

No other Refcardz are available on Ruby or Rails topics yet, but jQuery Selectors may also be of interest to some Rails developers, along with Getting Started with Ajax.

(Note: A brief(ish), free signup process is necessary to download the Refcard unless you are already a DZone member - which is well worth it, DZone is a great resource for programmers generally.)

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8 Comment Responses to “Free PDF Guide to Adobe Flex 3 on Rails 2”

  1. #1
    Arron Says:

    Looks interesting, but not enough to make me sign up for an account.

    I'll pass.

  2. #2
    Erik Says:

    They sure want a lot of information to register.

    No thanks!

  3. #3
    method Says:

    That is one obnoxious signup page. Give them my phone number? What for?

  4. #4
    Rev. Dan Says:

    Peter Armstrong is also the author of Flexible Rails which is quite worth buying if you're interested in using Flex awesomeness with Rails awesomeness.

    I've made a few things with the Ruboss Framework and it's very cool... it's essentially Flex UI + Flex MVC + Rails scaffolding on steroids.

    While the Refcardz registration and download processes are obnoxious examples of how not to do things ("download" means "downloadable from the site" not "sent as an e-mail attachment" to me... and why are they asking for my blood type... didn't we just meet!?), the actual content is great. This one is really good and I've found the charts which illustrate Rails and Flex architecture to be very useful.

  5. #5
    Rev. Dan Says:

    Excuse me, I meant:

    "Download" means "downloadable from the site directly" instead of "through a sekrit link in an e-mail,"

  6. #6
    Arron Says:

    DZone sign-up, brief?

    'Cuz I totally give my phone #, business information to websites like that. :3

  7. #7
    Peter Cooper Says:

    I don't tend to fill out legitimate details on such things myself. I must admit, the DZone signup was not that.. "data intense" when I signed up a long time ago.

  8. #8
    Peter Armstrong Says:

    Thanks for the link!

    Shameless self-promotion:
    The Refcard is based on Flexible Rails, which is a book that iteratively builds a fairly complex, MIT-licensed, app using Flex and Rails together. All the source code from the book is available *free* (and with no registration required) at

    Ruboss is sort of the next step beyond the Flexible Rails approach. Besides our website (, the place to go for free Ruboss documentation is our page on GitHub: You can sign up for GitHub, if you haven't already, and fork the framework to play with it. We're also writing a Manning book about Ruboss called Enterprise Flexible Rails (, which will become the definitive tutorial introduction to Ruboss.

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