Screencasts Category


Vim For Rails Developers Screencast

Vim as a Rails IDE is a professional screencast by Ben Orenstein that walks you through using Vim (a popular open source text editor) as a Rails IDE of sorts. It costs $9 and runs at almost 37 minutes long. I asked…


Screencast: How To Upgrade Your Rails 2 App to Rails 3 in 25 Minutes

Geoffrey Grosenbach (of PeepCode fame) has put together a FREE 25 minute screencast showing how he's converted a Rails 2.x app to Rails 3.0. Grab it now before it gets overwhelmed and he wonders why he hasn't charged for it yet ;-)


Screencast: Easy Rails File Uploads using Ajax and jQuery

Adam McCrea of EdgeCase has put together a screencast demonstrating how to easily implement Ajax file uploads in your Rails application. It's about ten minutes long.

Job! Interkonect, a web app consultancy in Nottingham, UK, is looking for a part-time junior Rails developer -…

Asciicasts: Railscasts In Text Form

We're all familiar with Ryan Bates' excellent (award winning even) Railscasts - the gigantic collection of free screencasts that show you how to pull off daring stunts with Rails (if you're not, go check them out, you're missing a lot!)

As great as…


Scaling Rails - A free 13-part series of screencasts

New Relic - the Rails app performance monitoring folks - has launched RailsLab, a free resource for Rails developers who want to learn about things relating to Rails application performance. They've kicked it off with a free 13 part screencast series by…


Mastering Rails Forms Screencasts by Ryan Bates

The Pragmatic Programmers has released a new series of Rails-focused screencasts, "Mastering Rails Forms" with Ryan Bates. You'll probably already know Ryan Bates for his Railscasts free Rails screencasts, but these are a commercial endeavor. They cost $5 each and run…


Building a Blog in 15 Minutes with Rails 2.2: A New Screencast

Anyone who got into Rails a few years ago should remember a very popular "building a weblog in 15 minutes video" by David Heinemeier Hansson. It was potentially responsible for most of Rails' ongoing success as the video demonstrated all…


Envy Casts Releases Rails 2.2 Screencast and PDF

Just two months ago, Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer of the Rails Envy podcast launched Envy Casts, a micro-publisher in the Rails scene. In anticipation of the release of Rails 2.2, they've released both a Ruby on Rails 2.2 Screencast and a…


EnvyCasts: Entertaining Rails Screencasts

EnvyCasts is the latest venture by the presenters of the popular Rails Envy podcast - Jason Seifer and Gregg Pollack. Like PeepCode, EnvyCasts follows a model of offering an instructional video and supporting materials on a single topic for $9 in a…


PeepCode Releases Phusion Passenger Screencast

Quality Ruby-focused screencast publisher PeepCode has just released a screencast all about Phusion Passenger (previously well known as mod_rails), a now-common Rails deployment option. It costs $9 (as with all other PeepCode screencasts) and comes in at 54 minutes long. Of particular…