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Weekend Free? Join The Rails 3 BugMash And Make A Difference

In Events

bugmash.pngRizwan Reza got in touch to let everyone know that a special Rails BugMash takes place this weekend (January 16-17, 2010).. it's a Rails 3 focused BugMash! Fix a known issue with Rails 3.0, report a bug, test some gems or plugins, write some documentation.. there's a lot you can do to help with the next major release of Rails.

If you're new to the "BugMash" concept, this PDF guide gives you a run down of the concept and how to take part. This BugMash is a little different to usual, however, as you can choose to work on documentation or testing rather than only fixing code.. so if you think of yourself as more of a blogger than a coder, there's a lot you can do.

What do you get out of it other than the satisfaction that you helped work on Rails 3.0..? Well, you'll be entered into a raffle for one of sixteen different prizes including $300 of 37signals credit, a GitHub paid plan, Peepcode credits, a $50 Amazon giftcard, and more.

The Rails BugMash events are becoming a regular thing now and previous ones have been quite successful. The first saw 100 people working on 130 Rails trouble tickets with 35 participants seeing their patches accepted into Rails. The second event saw 55 people working on 83 tickets. If you want to get a feel for what a weekend spent "bug mashing" is like, here's a field report!

Have fun! Get started at

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6 Comment Responses to “Weekend Free? Join The Rails 3 BugMash And Make A Difference”

  1. #1
    Lenary Says:

    Hi Peter,

    It would be wonderful if you could explicitly mention where more information can be found and where people should submit what they've done.



  2. #2
    Peter Cooper Says:

    It's linked twice and explicitly mentioned by URL in the last paragraph :-) And now here.

  3. #3
    Dave Says:

    Dead flys can be so inspiring.

  4. #4
    Rizwan Reza Says:

    I've reviewed the event on my blog:

    Thanks Peter, for writing about BugMash and having a hand at making this a success! :)

  5. #5
    Frank Jones Says:

    Like Rizwan I greatly appreciate the efforts of people like Peter.

  6. #6
    The Rails Envy Podcast Becomes.. The Ruby Show « Особое программирование Says:

    [...] latest episode of The Ruby Show includes bits on Cramp, the Rails 3 Bug Mash, Friendly, Rails 3 Generators, ActiveModel, and [...]

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