Tools Category


Rails Profiling: Getting Easier

Last year we looked at using ruby-prof to gather profiling data for a Rails application. But it's worth revisiting the subject now that ruby-prof 0.7.0 is out: gathering profile test data for a Rails application is almost absurdly easy now.

As detailed by…


3 Ways To Build Fake Demo Data For Your Rails App

You've finished the first sprint of your new Rails application and you're ready to show it to the client - or are you? Most user interfaces look better when they're actually filled with data. You could sit down and start…


suprails and rg: Two Rails Application Generators

Most Rails developers are familiar with the repetitive grunt work between running the rails command and starting in on custom code: adding plugins, setting up git, initializing Capistrano, bringing in your usual custom rakefile, and so on. There are projects…


Vasco: A REST Routes Explorer for Rails

Vasco (Github repository) is a "route explorer" for Rails developed by Relevance, Inc and released under an MIT license. Effectively it provides a Web-based UI to explore the RESTful routes configured for your Rails app. It installs as a plugin.

With Vasco,…


jRails: Drop-in jQuery Support for Rails

Hampton Catlin's recent Ruby Survey (results here) showed that more Ruby and Rails developers prefer the jQuery Javascript framework to the Prototype framework that comes with Rails. jQuery has become popular across the board, but is unlikely to be included with…


Tog: A New Way To Social Network-ify Your Rails Apps

Tog is a new extensible open source social networking platform that you can add to your Rails apps developed by Keras Software Development. It

Unlike the incumbent Community Engine, Tog is not a plugin - nor is it a stand alone application…


Spree - An Open Source Rails E-commerce Platform

Spree (GitHub repository) is an open source e-commerce platform based on Rails. provides a good example of it in action.

Spree is Rails 2.1 compatible, distributed as a gem, designed to be very extensible, and includes production ready data models and full…


New Relic Goes Free: Quality Rails Monitoring Now Free To All

Disclaimer: New Relic sponsors Ruby and Rails Inside. This announcement is not advertorial, however, and is written as objectively as possible. Similar items have been written for non-sponsors, such as this item on Scout.

New Relic is best known as a provider of…

Hyperactive Resource - It Makes ActiveResource Work Properly!

Hyperactive Resource (Github repository) is a extension to ActiveResource that adds a lot of ActiveRecord-esque functionality and finally makes it a reasonably simple task to do a "drop in" replacement for existing ActiveRecord models. It includes dynamic finders, client-side validations, validation…


Exceptional: Centralized Exception Tracking for your Rails Apps

Exceptional is a new "exception tracking" and exception management application for Rails developers and their apps. It's currently in beta, but if you follow this special link, I'm told that Rails Inside readers will be prioritized in the signup process. It's…

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