Tools Category


Streamlined: Beautiful User Interfaces Out Of The Box

Streamlined is a Rails plugin that can give your Rails application beautiful user interfaces right out of the box. You need to have your models and controllers setup already, but once you have, you add a single layout line, along with…


Aptana RadRails 1.2 Brings Cloud Hosting Support To A Rails IDE

Aptana's RadRails IDE has been coming on leaps and bounds since Aptana got working on it full-time and released version 1.0 a year ago. This month, they released RadRails 1.2, which boasts streamlined Rails app deployment and updating via Aptana's…

Run Rails Apps on Nginx In Minutes with Passenger 2.2.1

Two days ago, Phusion (@phusion_nl on Twitter) announced the release of Passenger 2.2.0, a significant update to the dream-come-true Apache module for deploying Rack-based Ruby applications (including Rails, Sinatra, and Ramaze apps). The big deal? It now supports Nginx too. Yes, you can…


Remarkable 3.0 Released: RSpec Matchers and Macros for Rails

Carlos Brando and José Valim have just released the version 3.0 of Remarkable. If you are crazy for RSpec and use it with Rails, this is a project that you should check out.

Remarkable began as a set of matchers for RSpec, but with this…


Good Looking Searchable Rails API Docs

"Better" Rails documentation efforts aren't anything new but Vladimir Kolesnikov's attempt titled "Rails Searchable API Doc" is notable for its simplicity and smart presentation. He hasn't changed the usual IRB layout except to add a rather Mac-looking search frame to…


Spike: Powerful Rails Log Parsing on the Mac

Spike is a log file parser application for the Mac that gives you some powerful features for working through your Rails log files - it was developed by British Rails and Mac developer Matt Mower. Spike is open source, so if…


Rufus Scheduler: Simple Task Scheduling from Rails Apps

Brent Collier of Intridea has written Dead simple task scheduling in Rails that highlights the use of Rufus-Scheduler, by John Mettraux, to perform, well.. dead simple tasks scheduling from a Rails app!

Rufus-Scheduler is the latest version of a scheduler previously known as…


Make I18n Simple with the Translate Plugin

Translate (or Github repository) is a Rails plugin (for 2.2 and above) that makes internationalizing your Rails apps ridiculously easy.

Rather than work your way through a bundle of views and YAML files doing your translations, you can instead do them via…

Twitter Gives Back Some Cache to Rails

Over the past couple of years Twitter has been something of a poster child for Rails - and not always in a good way. When they were having performance issues, they were exhibit #1 for the "Rails Can't Scale" camp. But…

Rails and Amazon: Libraries and Plugins for EC2, S3, SimpleDB, SQS, FPS and DevPay Integration

Unless you've been hiding somewhere, you're probably aware that Amazon has built up a comprehensive cloud computing infrastructure featuring a raft of pay-as-you-go services. What you may not know is just how easy it is to integrate most of these services…

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